My friend Fredegar the lawyer had an opportunity to go down to Mordor. He saw a local believer there and got to encourage him as he faced imprisonment and trial for his faith in Jesus. They may yet execute him but time will tell. It was really great that Fregegar got to see him and encourage him two days before he had to face a council of Islamic leaders who demanded that he return to Islam. He stood strong in his faith and testified to the love and grace of God through Jesus. I am not sure he would have had the courage had he continued to believe he was abandoned and alone.
Fredegar came back last Saturday and arrived in the middle of the night. He jumped in a taxi and went home. Upon arriving home he got out and the car drove off will his bags! It was dark and he couldn't see the license plate number and he assumed that his computer and all his documents were lost forever. The next night a guy called him and offered to sell him his computer for $3000. Fredegar laughed at him and he came down to $2000. Fredegar told him that he could buy two new computers for that price and the guy hung up. The next day a guy called and said if he would meet him at midnight at a remote park he would give him his documents back. Fredegar is not a complete fool and told him he should call him tomorrow during the day. The guy didn't call. We were in a team meeting hearing about all these events and praying for Fredegar when he got a call from a local pastor. He took the call and went at once to the church. Some ladies had found a bag at the park and found the documents in it and realized that they were very important. They took the bag to the US Embassy but since Fredegar is not an American they took no interest. They searched through the bag and found one receipt in the local language. It happened to be a receipt from the local church for some materials Fredegar had purchased some time before. Fredegar doesn't even go to that church regularly! So, the ladies took the bag to the church and now Fredegar has his passport and other important lawyer type documents. For you it may be another lawyer story but for Fredegar it is surely a Christmas miracle.
And may the Lord double the miracle with the recovery of his computer as well.
I think he is praying for a new one instead!
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