Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Can Pop Up At a Funeral

This is a sensational story and I have not written it till now because I wanted to double check all the facts and the witnesses myself. In this world of increasing anger, violence, frustration, and hopelessness I hope that you are encouraged today.

Frodo and Sam were returning from a trip to Anfalas when Frodo received a call on his cell phone. It was his sister saying that he should come home immediately as his aunt had fallen suddenly ill and may not make it. They rushed to the house and prayed for her. She seemed to get better but two weeks later she died. Again, Frodo got the call from his sister and this time was told she was already dead. Frodo called Sam and asked him to come with him to the funeral. Sam- ever loyal and ready to go- said yes and they were off to the uncle's house. The yard was full of wailing people and the body was draped in a cloth in the yard as they were preparing to wash it and get it ready for the burial. Frodo went in and immediately got into an argument with one of the Mullahs there. He said that this woman was a Christian and he did not want a Mullah chanting at the grave. Several of Frodo's relatives are believers but most are not- and certainly none of the neighbors there were believers. So, they argued with him and Sam. They denounced them and said that they had 'sold out' their religion. They told Frodo and Sam that Jesus was powerless and that they were fools for trusting in Him. Frodo turned away from them in disgust. He and Sam went over to the body and stood over it. Frodo says he didn't know why but he lifted up his voice and prayed, 'Lord, this is not a day of mourning! This is a day for you to display your glory!' Then he and Sam went over and sat down in the shade of a tree. Less than five minutes later, as everyone- some 50 or more people- were gathered in the yard waiting for the ladies to prepare everything to wash the body, Frodo's dead aunt suddenly sat up. She says that she knew she was dead but she has not shared anything about what she experienced during that time. Everyone was very surprised and all agree that it was a miracle that Jesus brought about.

I asked Frodo if any of his relatives have come to faith since this event and he said that none of them have. He has been asked several times to come and pray for relatives that are sick but none want to hear more about Jesus. Frodo says the interesting thing is that many of the neighbors want to hear about Jesus. Frodo has a small house group that has been meeting for a couple of years. He started it to reach his family but most of them have not come. Now, he has people from families from three different Middle Earth tribes! It reminds me of the parable of the banquet. Jesus quotes the banquet giver as saying go to the highways and byways and compel them to come in. My house will be full. It will be.

One other interesting thing: Frodo says that his aunt, even though a believer was a very negative person who was always complaining. Not anymore. Since her resurrection she is always smiling, always positive, always thankful, and eager to tell all who will listen about her wonderful Lord. I trust it will not take your death and resurrection to do the same.


Lee said...

awesome story- thank you for passing it on but in a verified way. ever thought of collecting your stories in a second silmarillion? :)

Strider said...

I might write my memoirs one day.... not yet. Thank you for coming by.

Tim Patterson said...

That is great news Strider! Thank you for verifying the story and sharing it.

Anonymous said...

ummm well then, I am dumbfounded by this story. Not sure what to say but thanks for sharing this.

Strider said...

Angie- Part of the reason I write this blog is to encourage people in their faith. Hope this one stretches many- well a few at least, not many read this blog!

Anonymous said...

Strider, You in my opinion are a very good story teller and you are very uplifting when WE aren't disagreeing LOL I had to slip that in. We my family and I are very bias when it comes to you and your family. I miss you guys. Lots has been going on here mostly good stuff, some bad as well anywho I am going to e-mail you guys soon. Take Good Care & Talk SOON, Angie.

Anonymous said...

This same God loves us every day. We just dont' live by faith very much do we? We often would rather place our trust in things like the stock market or the government or anything but the unseen!

And this woman's family demonstrates well what was said to the rich man in hades.

Great story. God is so good.

Strider said...

Bryan, Good point about the Rich Man in Hades story. Yes, even if someone comes back from the dead they will not believe. But for all that it is not what God wants anyway. He wants people to respond to His love, not to His power. This is the reason He does not just come and overwhelm everyone with the miraculous. If we had more faith surely we would see God at work around us much more but that still is not what He is using to build His Kingdom. His Kingdom is built on love expressed by sacrifice. That is why the Message of the Cross is best proclaimed by those leading a life of the Cross.

Anonymous said...


What you say here in your last comment we all need to hear, over and over and over again. Oh that the members of the Body of Christ would live to die and sacrifice and for unity in Christ so that people would see the love of God in us.